The meat will be young red deer from Hungary and the fish will be sturgeon; Danube River Sterlet Acipenser Rutheus (5 pieces between 1 and 1.2kg) with 30g caviar. For the meat dish, the contestants will work with the haunch and saddle to produce 14 portions, including 10 that will be presented whole or pre-cut and recomposed on a tray, and 4 portions on a plate. The dishes will be judged based on the specificity and originality of the recipes, as well as on respect of the products. Participants are encouraged to express their cultural heritage and translate the traditions in the taste, presentation, cooking method and/or the use of specific herbs and spices. For the fish dish, attention will be paid to the highlighting of the products. The contestans need to create 14 plates composed of 50% vegetal products exclusively sourced from the Metro market. They will also face a surprise challenge that consists of using a mystery ingredient that they will discover only on the eve of the contest.
Two juries will be grading the contestants. The kitchen jury will follow the work of the team in the kitchen, while the tasting jury will focus on the end result. Hygiene and methodology as well as optimisation of waste will be significant factors for the kitchen jury, whereas taste, presentation, and respect for the product will be key for the tasting jury.
Our Nordic contestants are:
- Eero Vottonen from restaurant Olo representing Finland
- Viktor Örn Andrésson from restaurant Grillid representing Iceland
- Christopher William Davidsen from restaurant Sostrene Karlsen representing Norway
- Alexander Sjögren representing Sweden
- Morten Falk from restaurant Kadeau representing Denmark
So, let's wish our Nordic contestants all the best! If we cannot get a shared number one for all of them, then let's hope they will take home the TOP 5!
More blog posts to come once the competitions hits on...!
More blog posts to come once the competitions hits on...!